
Saturday, August 06, 2005

Art of Science Competition / Gallery

Spectacular graphics from the Art of Science Competition at Princeton University, 2005 Online Exhibition.

Flickr: Photos from myrddrr

By chance, I came across some absolutely excellent photos from Myrddrr at Flickr: Photos from myrddrr

Monday, April 04, 2005

Will Blogs Determine the Price of Art ?

Classical Values tells us that blogs may be taking over art soon if this possible Instalanche result is any guide.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Laputan Logic

Laputan Logic descibes itself as
"Fanciful. Preposterous. Absurd."

Gulliver's Travels speaks of a "Voyage to Laputa" which gives the name Laputan Logic its name.

Laputan Logic has great graphics.

Paint.Net for Free

The Tablet PCs Weblog has a January 5, 2005 posting by Marc Orchant entitled "Have you tried Paint.Net", writing:

"Paint.Net is a free painting and image manipulation program developed at Washington State University to provide a modern replacement for the Paint utility bundled with Windows. It’s quite a slick piece of work and well worth the download, especially if you already have the .Net framework installed on your PC. It works quite nicely on the Tablet PC and an imminent update (promised for later this month) will add a few important features including a Magic Wand tool for selecting regions with the same color in an image."

It is definitely worth a look as an alternative to MS Paint.

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