
Friday, November 12, 2004

Modulator's Menagerie

Modulator's Menagerie

The Modulator has a "Friday Ark" posting (a play on Noah's Ark) in which he states:

"I'll post links to sites that have Friday (or shortly thereafter) photos of their chosen animals as I see them (no photoshops and no humans).

Leave a comment or trackback to this post and I'll add yours to the list. If there is interest I'll keep this as a weekly feature."

We add here an everyday photo of our Siamese cat Lucas, who is named after Luca Signorreli (also known as Luca da Cortona, or Cortene), a Renaissance painter who we rank among the first truly naturalist painters and who has been called "the first to illustrate our own house of life". Bernard Berenson (see also here and here and here) called him the "grandest illustrator of modern times". We have a copy in oil of Signorelli's Portrait of a Man, which we regard to be art's best male comparable portrait to Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the Mona Lisa. (Portrait of a Man is found in original in the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin, Germany and the Mona Lisa of course is in the Louvre in Paris, France).

We think that there is no doubt that man evolved from primate apes, but the interesting question is what preceded them? We think it is cats - and this may account for the special relationship between the felines and humanity, a close tie recognized as far back as the Ancient Pharaonic culture in Egypt and beyond. The cats are reflections of ourselves and to our knowledge are the only other animal to turn their backs on humans and pout when offended.

Luca Signorelli
Luca Signorelli II


Crossposted to LawPundit.

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