
Friday, November 15, 2013

The Nazi Art Trove: Law on the Side of Property Theft? Statutes of Limitation, Legal Unconscionability (Sittenwidrigkeit) in Germany

Yes, the paintings were stolen, but time has run....

Since when is a statute of limitations a protection against the unconscionability (Sittenwidrigkeit) of the retention of stolen property, knowingly, unknowingly, or "any sane person would have known it was stolen - situation"?

This issue turns up for this author in the face of the following article at ABC News: Claims on German Art Trove Face Legal Hurdles.

These kinds of situations show how far from the objective of simple "justice" the provisions of the laws are, with falsely legislated, wrongly understood and stupidly enforced statutes of limitation among the worst offenders, hardly ever protecting victims, but often serving the interests of wrongdoers.

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